Cost reductions and performance improvement

Meindert van Genderen


Boardroom consulting, Market intelligence, Operational management

Meindert van Genderen MSc Eng MBA has a critical mind and an eye for innovation. He has over 15 years of senior management experience in shipping and offshore innovation. His keen insights in market research and branding are of great value to our customers.

Meindert was trained at TU Delft in maritime engineering and naval structure. Later on he completed his studies, by getting an executive MBA from RSM Erasmus University; Europe’s top business school. During this course he prepared himself for senior management challenges and further developed his leadership and team-building skills.

In his career, Meindert covered a variety of functions; ranging from departmental and general management, leading multi-functional teams, departments and companies, in varying phases of the business cycle at Nile Dutch Africa Line BV and Rolldock NV.

Specialized in the fields of Chartering, Operations, Ship Management and New Building, he combines technical know-how with extensive analytical skills.

Areas of expertise:
  • Program and Project Management
  • Contract and Negotiation Support
  • Strategy Development
  • Valuations, technical and economic feasibility studies and second opinions